Monday, July 20, 2009


the rushing threads of a scrutinized mind
once the gale stormed in the shattering spasms of hearts
arraying the futility of a human body once the name is called

the stairs that creak under my feet
and the door that shrieks on its way
in which the sound holds the wonderful images of love

I step in towards the dynasty of truthfulness

the memories disguised in warm tears that seep on the cheeks
remembering the bell that rang in the dweller's ear-
that let her heart beat with exaltation-
upon the sound of a visitor's steps

her voice that chimed the troubling hearts
a voice like a hymn sang in a heavenly spring
lulled it has become
as the air throttles my lungs at the inconvenience of it

the tedious fragility of one's soul
the souls that bewail the long lost lives

a last image that is carved in the beloved's mind
of an angel with an elysian smile
the hands white and beautiful like still snow
the silver streaks of hair-
colored by the autumnal shades of grey
carried across the unknown realm of fantasies
never to come back

yet her image harmonizes my life still..

April, 09

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